Every Sunday, Macaroni KID Sioux Falls shares our picks for five things to do with your kids in Sioux Falls, SD over the coming week.
Here are Macaroni KID Sioux Falls' picks for the five things to do in Sioux Falls with kids this week. Click on the links for all the details!
1. Skate School Halloween Party
School is out and we want to get spoooooky! Sign your kiddos up for a fun-filled morning of crafts, ice activities and games, on and off the ice as well as trick or treating! 10/9/23
We will be using air dry clay to create some Halloween theme sculptures! We will be painting the clay with acrylic paint. The clay and paint will dry together in a day or two. Boxes will be available to take creations home day of. 10/10/23
3. Stampede Hockey Game and Coat Drive
Join the Stampede Hockey game at the Denny Sanford Center for their season home opener against the Tri City Storm for their Coat Drive Night! 10/13/23
This event is a drop off event! There will be FUN, NINJA, PIZZA, WATER & MORE. All participants must have Tennis Shoes and a Waiver on file.10/14/23
5. Frakentoys
It's alive! Disassemble dolls, action figures, robots, and dinosaurs to create your own monstrous toy. 10/15/23
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