
Empower Professional Organizing: Part 2

Kitchen Refresh!

By Andrea Koch, Macaroni Kid Sioux Falls July 16, 2023

Have I mentioned how excited I am to be working with Empower Professional Organizing? I’ve always wanted HGTV minions to come to my house and take care of all the things I was too overwhelmed to do and this is just about the closest thing to it. The more I got to know Jenn and Brandi, however, the more I saw how deep their heart and talent for this went. They truly get what you’re going through as a mom and just want to help you wherever you’re at with whatever you need. They’re one of those hard to find companies these days that do such a thorough job- cleaning top to bottom, taking care of anything that comes up, communicating well, and organizing in a way that makes sense for YOUR personal life. 

I don’t know about you, but my anxiety and irritation rise whenever the kitchen is a mess. I wholeheartedly agree with the Gretchen Rubin quote “Outer order, inner calm”. My husband knows that if I’m a little on edge there’s a good chance the kitchen is a wreck. As I get deeper into motherhood however, I’m learning that my mess does not define me and spending time with my people fully present is more important. This is the stage we are in. It’s a balance and sometimes we need help. 

Day 2 arrived and they were back to tackle my embarrassingly hidden and dysfunctional half-done kitchen. They pulled everything out, cleaned, sorted, rearranged for functionality, and. it. was. amazing. They found space in places I didn’t know we had. The entire flow of the kitchen is better. And guess what… all of the doors close all the way and open without a shower of lids coming out! Here’s a few highlights:

Dog Pantry After
Snack Pantry After

The dog pantry. We had an extra shelf and I mentioned how great it would be if that shelf could be added. Jenn and Brandi come prepared with their own set of power tools and made it happen. It has made our daily flow so much better and looks so good! 

The main plate and bowl area. It’s so spacious and fun! We got rid of just a few things that didn’t serve us anymore then Jenn and Brandi re-spaced a few shelves so things made more sense. This along with the lid and Yeti cupboard are my husband's favorite things. He said they make things much better for dishwasher unloading. 

Lid and Yeti Cupboard Before
Lid and Yeti Cupboard After

Something I was pleasantly surprised by was the spice and seasoning storage. They chose a clear tote that keeps groups of 3 in line - I pull down a tote to see what I need and put it back up. I was a little leery at first but this eliminates spices being shoved to the back, being lost, and tipped over. Also, I had no idea that I had seriously 3 things of Almond flour. I never even use Almond flour?!

Main Dish and Plate Cupboard After 
Baking Cupboard After 

The Lazy Susan now spins without getting handles caught frustratingly. Empower Professional Organizing found space for some of the lesser-used large appliances in smarter places and shifted a few things down to the newly organized storage room. This is why they do the storage rooms first. 

Spice and Seasoning Cupboard After
Dining Room Built-in Before

Lastly, my favorite space is the vintage built in that we have in the dining area. We got rid of a few more things that were getting in the way of our life and Empower Professional Organizing filled it with organized and sorted canning items for my various kitchen hobbies. It is fun to look at and inspirational! I’m excited to use things again this season now that it looks so fun to use and I know where everything is. 

Dining Room Built-in After
Dining Room Built-in After

Jenn and Brandi had a few pieces of advice as we went through this process that was so realistic and understanding and totally changed my perspective. For one, I was embarrassed about the amount of paper clutter on chairs, stuffed in drawers, and around my home. Empower Professional Organizing said totally matter of factly that it’s ok to have this but just have 1 home for it. They also has a heart for the Furniture Mission and donate any unwanted items decided by the client and them together. This goes to families in need so they can browse for things they want and need in their homes. On getting rid of things, Empower Professional organizing commented, “are you actually going to bring it to the resale place within two days or is it going to sit in a pile on the floor?“ When going through clothes “Out of these two options which fits and makes you feel the best?“ They so get me. 

Back to that first day that I met Jenn and Brandi, the topic of “life is short” came up. What are your priorities for this time in your life, mama? What do you love spending time on and what do you need to outsource and get help on so you can be the best version of yourself for your family. Those are the things that are worth finding an amazing local company to back you up on. For me that is sometimes cleaning and organizing. When my home is organized and clean I have a little more time and mental space to do the things I’m truly passionate about and can be that much more present. Stuff, things, take time to care for them! For these things you decide in life it’s worth setting a little aside to have the help you need to live your best life. That’s my plan, budget in a reset every now and then so that I can continue on with the dreaming, animals everywhere, mud on my shoes, kid in the backpack, lifestyle I love. Thank you so much Empower Professional Organizing for partnering with us to highlight local businesses and bring Macaroni Kid Sioux Falls great local content! If you’re having one of those days where you need to know that other moms have real-life mess too, head on over to the @mackidsiouxfalls Instagram later this week and checkout some before and after videos.